Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Making of Angry Birds Pumpkins!

My son was keen on 'Angry Birds' this year (school library's pumpkin contest) and he bought some pumpkins worth $4 (yes, that cheap, some farm off the Wisconsin highway!) and decided to work on their shapes. The results after acrylic painting, stick-on foam, markers and googly eyes weren't too bad! It was simple to do (photos are self-explanatory and my 7 year old did it without much help) plus it was  loads of fun - Enjoy :)

He decided that the gourd, would make for the bird with a large beak - the boomerang bird and the mushroom like pumpkin would be great for 'helmet' piggy. With that in mind, he started painting and applying their features.

He used pins to often secure the features/ the pumpkins were soft and pushing pins into them rather easy! I helped him hot glue the googly eyes.....

He had to constantly refer to angry birds made by others or their pictures/ clip art and finally he pulled it off!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spray painted my old brass chandelier! Self- explanatory and what a difference in under $6!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring wreath to break the jinxed weather!

Bought some fun fur lion brand - inspired by a fellow blogger and awesome crafter - Patty ( and got on with my version of the Spring wreath! Usually I would spend $10 odd to buy my wreath base at michael's but in this case, I stopped at Lowe's for a bathroom insulation pipe for 94 cents and taped it together to do the job! You will need -  Lion Brand Yarn Fun Fur in Lime Green, article #320-194), a daisy trim (I used Wright's trim, but you could use any you like), and long pearlized yellow pins (1 1/2").

Then I added the daisies from the lace and a lounge chair plus a homemade bunting! Voila....done in no time.

Here's the final product!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Dresser re-do with Panyl!

Ok so its time to redo that old dresser! I decided at first to paint it then thought, that might take a while why not Panyl it instead.

Took out the drawers and gave them a coat of shino, then a thorough cleanse, followed by applying some inner lining (bought at Target in shelf liners) just to refresh them!

Then I took the panyl as ordered (for malm dressers, 4 packa nd 2 pack) - worth visiting for some awesome ideas, its very easy to work with :) I chose White cedar finish and ordered swatches for free before making my decision and used a coupon to get 10% off which they send with the swatches). I sanded the edges for a smoother finish!

 and Voila! Am thinking of adding knobs or nickel plates for corners to give a 'campaign' look but not too sure? comments welcome. Surely, you have something to paint or panyl?! Have fun and share those pics.